Bedoukian   RussellIPM   Pherobank   Piezo-Electric-Micro-Sprayer


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« Previous SpeciesNaja anchietae    Next SpeciesNaja haje haje »

Semiochemicals of Naja haje annulifera, the Banded Egyptian cobra

Phylum:  Chordata
Subphylum:  Vertebrata
Class:  Reptilia
Order:  Squamata
Family:  Elapidae
Subfamily:  Bungarinae
Genus:  Naja
Tribe:  Najini
Author:  Peters
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Bedoukain RussellIPM


  Tan NH  1988  Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B  90: 745   
    LAAO    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
USA & France 
    hyaluronidase    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    alkaline phosphatase    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    protease    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    PDE    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    AChE    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    PLA2    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    5'-nucleotidase    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
  Joubert FJ  1975b  Z. Physiol. Chem.  356: 1901   
    CM-13b    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
Johannesburg, South Africa 
  Joubert FJ  1975b  Eur. J. Biochem.  64: 219   
    CM-11    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
Johannesburg, South Africa 
    CM-13a    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    CM-8    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
  Joubert FJ  1975a  Z. Physiol. Chem.  356: 53   
    CM-10    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
Johannesburg, South Africa 
    CM-12    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
    CM-14    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
  Weise KHK  1973  Z. Physiol. Chem.  354: 1317   
    toxin VII1    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦   P
¦Category of the chemical signal
A -   Attractant
Al -   Allomone
K -   Kairomone
P -   Pheromone
Sy -   Synomone¦
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦
Transvaal, South Africa 
    toxin VII2    ¦Relative ratio of the component¦   ¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦    
¦Source of the chemical signal
F -   Female
H -   Host (could be of plant or animal origin)
L -   Lure
M -   Male
M&F -   Male and Female
S -   Solider
Q -   Queen
W -   Worker¦
pg -   Picogram
ng -   Nanogram
µg -   Microgram
mg -   Milligram
g -   Gram¦


Tan, N.-H., and Tan, C.-S. 1988. A comparative study of cobra (Naja) venom enzymes. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B. 90:745-750.
Joubert, F.J. 1975b. The purification and amino acid sequence of toxin CM-13b from Naja haje annulifera (Egyptian cobra) venom. Z. Physiol. Chem. 356:1901-1908.
Joubert, F.J. 1976. The amino acid sequences of three toxins (CM-8, CM-11 and CM-13a) from Naja haje annulifera (Egyptian Cobra) venom. Eur. J. Biochem. 64:219-232.
Joubert, F.J. 1975a. The amino acid sequences of three toxins (CM-10, CM-12 and CM-14) from Naja haje annulifera (Egyptian cobra) venom. Z. Physiol. Chem. 356:53-72.
Weise, K.H.K., Carlsson, F.H.H., Joubert, F.J., and Strydom, D.J. 1973. The purification of toxins VII1 and VII2, two cytotoxin homologues from banded Egyptian cobra (Naja haje annulifera) venom, and the complete amino acid sequence of toxin VII1. Z. Physiol. Chem. 354:1317-1326.
Citation: El-Sayed AM 2024. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <>.
Ⓒ 2003-2024 The Pherobase - Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. Ashraf M. El-Sayed.
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